
The KontrollerLab is a tool which can be used for developing microcontroller software.

The KontrollerLab uses these tools to make developing easier:

  • avr-gcc and helper programs to compile the C files, link the object files, and assemble the ASM files.
  • uisp and
  • avrdude to upload and download the programs
  • built-in debugger for PC-only and in-circuit debugging, currently at an early stage [05/28/07]
  • serial terminal embedded in the IDE to ease debugging
  • kate as the editor embedded in the IDE
Project Site : http://www.cadmaniac.org/projectMain.php?projectName=kontrollerlab
Download Site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kontrollerlab/

The World's Fastest Indian

It so happened that I had been to a DVD store. Two young guys were talking among other about a movie.. named The World's Fastest Indian They first decided to take that DVD and there were no 2nd copy of that. So I asked them if I could see that DVD. I saw that and found interesting. Quickly checked its review in my mob and found that it is based on a true story.

By that time those guys found Forest Gumps and did not take this one..

Lucky me .. I got it and it is really very very heart touching and inspiring.

It is about a man who at his old age, kept his dreams alive and made the it not just true .. but broke all the existing records.

True story link
About the Movie from Wikipedia