Free Xserver for Windows

To log in to my desktop, which is running Fedora 7, from my laptop , I wanted a Xserver. Fortunately I came across Xming.. I downloaded that with a doubt whether it will serve my purpose or as any other free software will bug me?

I must say it is WOW.. I was lucky enough .. as good Exceed which I run at my office..

Gr8 .. it is really a gr8 tool to have with ..


XDMCP Configuration

Fedora Core 5 and Fedora Core 6

Follow the same procedure for both versions of Fedora.


Bring down the "System" menu and choose "Administration"->"Security Level Configuration". Enter the root password when prompted. In the "Firewall Options" tab bring down the "Other Ports" field and press "Add". Add port 177/tcp and 177/udp. Now press "OK" and confirm that you want to update the firewall settings.

Display Manager

Bring down the "System" menu and choose "Administration"->"Login Screen". Enter the root password, then select the "Remote" tab of the Login Screen window (it's the program gdmsetup). Select Style to be "Same as local" then close the window.

Now it's necessary to re-start GDM. Logout of your current session, then press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get a console. Login as root and execute the following command:

[root@localhost ~]# init 3 && init 5 

You should now be able to point an X session at your server.
