AVR fuse bits

Some details about AVR fuse bits


and calculator..

Mallya' gandhi giri

Gujarat is a dry state.. here a liquor manufacturer purchases Gandhian stuffs..

Dont be surprised by his act.. he has made history before.. He made a hospital out of the money earned from liquor business..

If you go to Sabarmati you will hardly find any there..
Gandhi had taught us how to do our work ourselves.. Money was not a big thing for him.

But Again in front of entire world we proved that money is every thing.. He does not live in our heart but in those junk stuffs which we will never see..
Its very sad.. If he would have spent that much money in some good work.. Not for free.. but in return of labor.. I would have appreciated him.

But thank to Indian Govt, who did not spend our money in all those things..
Who cares where Mallya spend's his money.. We got some stuffs fine.. good..

ATMega McU Proto Board

Here i have put some of the gr8 proto boards for ATMega8/32 available in the net
http://www.nbb.cornell.edu/neurobio/land/PROJECTS/Protoboard476/index.html I would say the best board

PC based oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer

Here I am going to put some of the cool ideas of making a PC based Oscilloscope.

cool one I found here is


[Info] PCB making

Hi people,
at last one simple method for PCB making..
this link tells all about that


One more

Flight Sim Books for Free

This is the site i was looking for.
It is a collection of some more than 20 Books on flight simulation totally FREE for all of us.

Let me find some time and I will read those books and will put my review here.

Here also some gr8 tutorial on Areal aerobatics http://www.fsstation.com/tutorials/aircraft-acrobatics.html
And many other tutorials too

Mind Mapping software

I found a very good OSS software to use for mind mapping.
It works on multiple OS and a quite good software.

Some software & site for Flight Simulation

The following web site is a gr8 link for getting Approach charts for the airports with Enter ICAO Airport IDs starting with K


The following is the best website for Flight simulator How To.
