
He worked by day
And toiled by night.

He gave up play
And some delight.

Dry books he read,
New things to learn.

And forged ahead,
Success to earn.

He plodded on with
Faith and pluck;

And when he won,
Men called it luck


goldendekhane said...

Love it!!! Almost everyone thinks their life is harder than everyone else's and what everyone else has achieved is because they are lucky one way or the other. "Only the wearer knows where the show pinches"!!

Mishra DK said...

I believe nothing is more harder than convincing your mind with right thing. Should I study or can spend some time in chatting with friends? Should I do this today or tomorrow? Is this relation going fine or everything is wrong.. and many more.. I thing this is the biggest war.

Take right decision at right time and I believe everything will fall in place.

Gazal Bharadwaj said...
